Palirika marginicollis (Gray)
(wing length 16 - 22 mm.). Scutum covered with green metallic scales. Scutellum with green metallic scales, blue metallic scales posteriorly. Abdominal tergites with royal blue metallic scales. Collar cream. Laterothoracic stripe white. Wing pattern brown with infuscated band narrow, incudes all m-m, at most basal 2/3 of M2. Anal and cup at most 5/6 infuscated, hyaline area triangular.
Head. Face and frons dark reddish-brown with red-brown scales; black setae loosely grouped apically above clypeal opening, longest below distinct frontal depression. Antennal scape 2 x length of pedicel, yellowish-red with long black setae dense ventrally; pedicel yellowish-red with black setae; PP conical, length of scape, black with silvery pruinescence, 3.5 x length of pedicel, distinct apical joint; BSM rod-like, slightly expanded apically, reddish-brown, 2 x length of pedicel; ASM reddish, conical, length less than width of BSM. Occiput with white scales broadly filling indentation.
Thorax. Collar cream. Laterothoracic white scales. Long white flattened scales posteromedially. Scutum with green metallic scales; setae black, long basally, laterally, and apically. AN with black Ma; long, lightly iridescent scales at base of wing reddish-black. Prealar and postalar bristles strong, black and very long. Pleural hairs dark reddish-brown. Laterotergite with black Ma. Tympanal ridge and PL with white, flattened scales. Scutellum red, with green metallic scales, blue metallic scales posteriorly; black setae long apically, strong black apical bristles; very long white flattened scale fringe on posterior margin. Legs. Forelegs reddish-brown with black scales; fore-tarsi with microtrichia bent subapically. Mid- and hind legs black with black scales. Pulvilli sharp, curved, 1/2 length of mid- and hind-tarsal claws. Halter knob black. Wing with cup open. Widened base of C with dark reddish-brown-black scales, white scales posteriorly. Wing pattern brown with infuscated band narrow, following Sc to i-r1, through apex of dc, includes all m-m, at most basal 2/3 of M2. Anal and cup at most 5/6 infuscated, hyaline area triangular. Squama edged with long scales, admixed creamy-white and grey.
Abdomen. T1 with black Ma, apical third with white Ma. Tergites with royal blue metallic scales. Sternites dark brown, with reddish-brown scales and setae. Genitalia. Epandrium strongly convex, red; with convex apical margin; broad, tapered basal flange; with long, black setae grouped strongly anterolaterally; SES large and quadrate. Gonocoxae red, strongly narrowed apically; with short reddish setae apically, thick tufts of long black setae medially, directed basally; with two tufts of 4 strong black setae on small ventral ridge; GA short, triangular; EJA very large extending well beyond gonocoxal margins, racquet-shaped; LAEA very large, extending almost to G margins, deeply convex; AAES strong wedges; GS cupped within G margins, large subquadrate base projecting slightly apically; EP long, expanded apically 2 x neck width, apical margins inturned, without lateral lobes, with short medial projection, medioventral flange above AE absent; large recurved R; H linear, small projection laterally.
Genitalia. Long golden-red fine hairs on S8. Dorsal T8 A short, medially divided; T10 with 4 pairs of long thin AC spines; pump with processes, short apically and basally, long, well-developed and sclerotised medially; apical endplate large with very long processes; spermathecae small, subquadrate, thick-walled, sclerotised, with long tubules; with clear thick-walled ring at junction of rounded BB and SR.
The deposition of the type material for Ex. marginicollis was not recorded in the original description. In the acknowledgments of the ‘Supplement on the Order Diptera’ (p. 780), the editors of the second volume ‘The Class Insecta’ 1832, E. Pigeon and E. Griffith, thank the Rev. F.W. Hope for allowing many of the specimens in his cabinet to be described and named by Gray. Hope donated his entire entomological collection to the University of Oxford in a Deed of Gift on the 4 th of August 1849 (Smith 1986) and this now comprises an integral part of the Hope Museum in Oxford. Hardy (1924) stated that there were several specimens of this species in the Macleay Museum, from where Hope is known to have acquired specimens (Smith 1986). Evenhuis, Greathead, and Lambkin found three specimens, now considered syntypes (Evenhuis and Greathead 1999), in the Huxley Room of the Hope Museum. As Gray had not labelled the specimens he described as types, they became part of the unidentified exotic material in the attic, probably by 1926 (Smith 1986). We designate the most complete specimen as the lectotype. The three specimens are all female, as are all the specimens of this species in the Macleay, and in the BMNH. Females are collected rarely in this genus and it is possible that the specimens in the Hope, BMNH, and the Macleay have been collected together at flowers or at water, probably in Northern Australia. The third specimen found in the Hope (#1138) with the label ‘N. Holl’ whose condition is fair with the head reattached, is missing the antennal BSMs and styles, ocellar region, forelegs, left midleg, and is placed in Pa. decora.
This species has been collected from scattered localities throughout Australia. Unfortunately the collection locality for many of the older specimens is unknown.