Kapu corusca (Lambkin & Yeates)
Small to medium-sized dark-brown flies (wing length 9-16 mm). BSM long, 2.5 x length of pedicel. Collar reddish-yellow. Laterothoracic stripe indistinct. LT with yellow Ma. Scutellar scales cream, yellow medially. Patagium yellow. Wing pattern brown, meeting wing margin broadly in m2, partly m1 and cua, extensions along R2+3, CuA1, CuA2. Hyaline band narrowed medially in m2. T1 with cream Ma. T2-3 with long yellow hairs laterally. Abdomen with dark reddish-brown scales except reddish-yellow scales anteromedially on T2; broad, white band on T3 broadly interrupted medially; T4 with yellow scales laterally; T5 with yellow scale band; T4-5 with black posterior fringe; T6-7 with sparse white scales. Sternites with white scales, cream on S5-7. Epiphallus long, slightly expanded apically; small, triangular, medial projection; with rounded lateral lobes. Gonocoxae strongly narrowed medially, rami extending beyond G margins; ventral ridge projects slightly, H not projecting, continuing basally. Female with short tube asymmetrically between SP and BB.
Head. Frons red, face brown with shiny yellow scales, filling frontal depression and surrounding occipital groove; black setae longest below deep frontal depression, shiny golden setae on ventral clypeal margin, laterally beneath antennae, surrounding occipital groove. Face with two slightly rounded lateral lobes at apex of clypeus. Antennal scape long, more than 3 x length of pedicel, red; pedicel dark red; PP long, more than 3 x length of pedicel, as long as scape, black with reddish pruinescence; BSM red, long, 2.5 x length of pedicel, slightly expanded apically; ASM short, fine. Distinct narrow band of creamy-white scales on posteroventral margin of eye.
Thorax. Collar reddish-yellow. Laterothoracic stripe indistinct but present at base of wing, reddish anteriorly, cream medially, yellow posteriorly; fringe of fine long cream scales on PA wall. Scutum shiny black; very shiny reddish-yellow transparent scales, long, fine hair-like anteriorly, broader medially and posteriorly. Pleural vestiture of black setae, admixed with long red scales with mauve iridescence; admixed reddish-yellow and black Ma on PE and AN; long scales at base of wing red with mauve iridescence. Anepimeral setae admixed black and yellow. Scales on APA reddish-yellow. Plumula and TR hairs creamy-yellow. LT with Ma yellow, some yellowish-red ventrally, cream dorsally. Scutellum red; scales shiny, large, broad, transparent, creamy-white anteriorly to yellow medially; black setae. Legs red; tarsomeres 2-5 dark brown; dark reddish-brown scales; anterior surface of mid-femora with several strong black spines, one longer than width of femur, hind-femoral spines short. Pulvilli wedge-shaped, more than 1/3 length of mid- and hind-tarsal claws. Halter knob yellow. Wing. M2 very sinuous with abrupt 90˚ bend apically; M1 and m-m sinuous; r5 open, cup closed at wing margin, or very narrowly open. Widened base of C with yellow scales. Patagium of dense yellow scales, pale cream apically, contrasting. Wing pattern brown, with infuscated band to i-r1 cross-vein; meeting wing margin broadly over entire posterior margin of m2, partly in m1, apically in cua; distinct apically-directed extensions along R2+3, CuA1, very small on CuA2. Hyaline band into dc anteriorly, basally through middle of cua, apex of cup and anal cells; ‘keyhole’-shape sometimes reduced to two separate hyaline areas; cup hyaline on extreme apex, anal hyaline for apical quarter marginally. Alula red, reduced. Squama yellow, with pale yellow scales.
Abdomen. Integument with large reddish-yellow areas laterally, rounded medially, width > 1/3 width of T2-7, medially narrow black band, tapering apically. T1 with cream to yellow Ma, few long cream scales laterally, black scales medially. T2-3 with dense long yellow hairs laterally; very shiny dark reddish-brown to black scales except for narrow line shiny reddish-yellow anteromedially on T2; broad dull white band on T3 over entire margin laterally, broadly interrupted medially; T4 with at least some yellow scales admixed anterolaterally; T5 with yellow scale band at least anterolaterally, narrowed medially; T4-5 with black scale posterior fringe, T6-7 with sparse white scales. Sternites yellow; dense, white scales; darker cream on S5-7, sometimes a few sparse yellowish-red scales medially and laterally on S5-6; dense, long, fine white hairs on S2-3; long, reflective gold hairs on S4-6; sparse black setae apically on S4-7. Genitalia. Epandrium reddish-yellow with basal flange as long as wide, longer than rest of base, subquadrate; thick, black setae strongly grouped anterolaterally on distinct anterolateral flanges; SES long, linear, almost joined basally. Gonocoxae reddish-yellow, strongly narrowed medially, distinct division medially, continuing laterally on line of flexion; LAEA large, convex; GS cupped within G margins, base projecting slightly laterally; large recurved rami extending beyond G margins; dense basally-directed tufts of thick black setae on distinct ventral ridge that projects slightly basally, shiny golden yellow setae continuing laterally around apex of smoothly swollen H; H not projecting, but continuing basally. Epiphallus long, slightly expanded apically, broadly flattened area with rounded medial extension, forming a small, triangular, medial projection in lateral view; well developed rounded lateral lobes. Basiphallus rounded. EJA short, extending beyond G, less than length of GS.
Same as male. Genitalia. Dorsal T8 A half length of width, slightly medially divided with short lateral projections, no structural supports; T10 with 3 pairs of short, thick AC spines; broad spermathecal tubes; apical endplate small and simple, basal endplate with thick processes; short tube asymmetrically between SP and BB; sparse, long, lightly-pigmented pump papillae; broad, striated, clear, thick-walled ring between round BB and round, heavily-pigmented SR.
Comments. Roberts (1928) described but did not name three forms of adelaidica. The third of these three forms was light brown with a white ‘lateral tuft’ on abdominal tergite one, white separate triangular spots on abdominal tergite two, and brown wings with the basal hyaline area reduced often to two spots and are probably K. corusca. K. corusca is very similar to K. adelaidica but can be distinguished by having white sternal vestiture, yellow anterolateral scales on T4-5; long, basal flange on E, and short medial projection on the epiphallus. Many specimens from Carnarvon Range included in K. adelaidica have very pale sternal vestiture, almost entirely white, with the presence of only a few pale reddish-brown scales on S5-7. These specimens approach K. corusca but lack the yellow basal scale band on T5. Specimens with very few pale reddish-brown scales on S5-7 but with the yellow basal scale band on T5 have been included in K. corusca.
This species has been collected in throughout Australia, usually in semi-arid areas adjacent to the coast.