Kapu Lambkin & Yeates
Wing infuscation extensive, black pattern with hyaline apex, and dark medial hyaline band narrowed medially, broader posteriorly; abdominal integument black with large red lateral areas; black scales except shiny yellow scales at least anteriorly on T2; white band on T3, pale white on T6-7; sternal scales, setae and long, hairs white on S2-3, yellow to dark reddish brown scales on S4-7. Male E with strongly grouped lateroapical setae on anterolateral flange; broad subquadrate basal flange; G ventral ridge large, distinctly projecting basally; EP with rounded lateral lobes, lateral and medial projections, medioventral process on EP above AE; AAES short; EJA short, female ring between clear BB and round pigmented SR; SR without an apical extension.
Head. Large, globular, loosely attached to thorax, anterior surface broadly convex, sloping abruptly to long, bilobed, medially divided occiput; OT well forward on vertex, more than 2x length OT from posterior margin of eyes; occipital foveal depression wide, following the posterior margin of the eyes laterally. Face protruding conically; frons with deep horizontal depression, female compound eye separation less than 3 x width of the OT. Proboscis short, stout; within oral cavity, or protruding slightly; genae with shallow, narrow groove. Antenna with scape more than 2 x length of pedicel; PP long, conical, with broad base narrowing apically; distinct joint between PP and BSM; BSM cylindrical, apically expanded, with minute conical apical stylomere. Posterior margin of compound eyes broadly indented; horizontal line dividing facets of compound eye extending forward from indentation.
Thorax. Collar yellow; PR and PA bristles well developed, black; laterothoracic stripe dark, yellow to reddish. Midstyle Ma present in collar, on PN, PE, AN, LT, and T1. Forelegs reduced; forecoxae with long, dense apically-directed setae; fore-tarsi with straight, apically bulbous microchaetae, foreclaws reduced; femur with spines mid- and hind-, absent on fore-femur; claws with reduced cone-like pulvilli; spicules on fore-tibia dense, hind-tibia small apical patch on the posterior surface. Wings broad, length more than 2x breadth. Venation with i-r1 slightly sinuous, i-r2 absent; M2 sinuous; m-m crossvein long, more than 3 x length of the r-m crossvein, parallel to the wing margin. Wing infuscation black, with hyaline apex and dark medial hyaline band in shape of a ‘keyhole’ more usually narrowed medially; sometimes forming two separate medial, hyaline spots; broader posteriorly, rarely continuous with hyaline apex; infuscated band usually meets wing margin broadly.
Abdomen. Broad, oval, dorsoventrally flattened, with tufts of dense setae laterally; abdominal integument black with very large red lateral areas, medially rounded on T2-3; white medially separated band on T3, and pale white on T6-7, shiny yellow scales anteriorly on T2; sternal scales, setae and long hairs white on S2-3; S4-7 with yellow to dark reddish brown scales, rarely black, black setae. Male. Epandrium with strongly grouped lateroapical setae on anterolateral flange; basolateral flange broad, width more than half the length of the epandrial base. Gonocoxae deeply narrowed medially; ventral ridge large, distinctly projecting basally; G fused and flattened medially below ventral ridge; tufts of thickened, basally-directed setae ventrally; rami well developed, medially expanded, and recurved; H not projecting; EP with rounded lateral lobes, lateral and medial projections, medioventral process on EP above AE; LAEA large, convex; AAES short, not reaching gonocoxal margins; EJA racquet-shaped, short, extending beyond gonocoxae by less than length of GS; GS appear bifid in lateral view, broadened at base. Female with 3 pairs of long, apically tapering AC spines; dorsal T8 A short, more than 2 x as wide as long. Sperm pump short; basal endplate with circlet of tapering thick processes, long papillae medially, short processes apically; round clear thick-walled BB lacks a basal sclerotised plate; clear ring at junction of BB to round pigmented SR; SR lacking an apical extension.